Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Assignment is manyyyy and NEWS is blessed!

Assignment do me an honour please.
Leave me alone! Can?
Nanti aku bagi kau upah if u ever had the chance to leave me alone eh!
Amalkan lah budaya mengupah kerana ia mendorong kepada kecekapan orang buat kerja!
Xkisahlah kalau korang nak bantai aku cakap, nanti hati xikhlas kalau kerja tu just nak dapat upah je.
Well as i said before before and before.
The outcome is the most important kot!

Well.its true that sebelum sampai kepada outcome, mesti wujud step2 yang berperingkat2.
Dan sebelum step2 tu muncul, yeah. Niat di hati mestilah betul.
Yeah yeah.

But apapun outcome tetap terpenting.

Kerja2 :

Thermo => slide show on pure substance, 3 tutorials with 5 questions each.
Electric & Magnet => 50 pages work on electric, slide show, test 1.
Phylosophy => group work on Al-Quran as Science Encyclopedia. Tajuk bajet hebat, harap isi xhampeh la. Hmmm.
Science Material => Project in short future.
Dan segala tutor and notes.

okay ni je nak cakap. entry x berkaliber betul kan.!

aouthor's note : saya sayang NEWS! ! !YEYEYEYE!

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