my mom's birthday was yesterday.
yeah i just said it.
it was yesterday.
felt so bad cant post it earlier because i just start thinking on writting this one special post just after reading the makcik's post.
wah.a bad daughter kah?
its not like i forgot her birthday pun kan.so its alright i guess.
anyway why am i mumbling about this whole thing.lol.
and the hell i want to type 'm' always kept writting 'n' instead.
must be the love.lol
anyway to mama!
my mama toriani musa:)
happy birthday sunshine.ops.apakah.
terima kasih becoz jadi such a wonderful mama to me:)
i soooo love you la mama.
haha.i believe i cant even say thing like that in real life?
why is that sooo?
its really not a good sign right?
hope will change for the better.
anyway muga mama success dunia akhirat.amiin:)
p/s:i am wondering why do i even use 'mama' in the first place.bahaha.choices are:
++ to show my 'manja' side?lol at this.
++ to show my own desire to call my ibu as mama?seriously lol.
i was also seriously in love with the use of 'lol'.haha sooo addicted.choices are?
++ i like the word 'l'?l stand for what murid2??LOL!lol again.
++ it show my love for l?lol right?
serious entry da lari topik.
papepun may Allah bless u ibu (^_^)
otanjoubi omedeto:DD
epi birthday makcik! ^^
ikin tq~~ :P
So sorry....
Ibu tak terbaca ucapan / puisi k.long ni. Awat tak habaq ada sesuatu di blog "akulaweed" ini?
Terima kasih yang tidak terhingga drp mama / ibu / ummi /emak ... Kasih dan sayang seorang ibu kepada anaknay mengatasi segala2nya...:)) Luv u Wahida!
Ikin, terima kasih ya...
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